Born in Aalborg, Denmark May 21, 1963. Graduated from the School of Dentistry, University of Aarhus 1987 (DDS). Earned his Ph.D. degree in 1993 and Doctor of Odontology (Dr.Odont) in 2000 at University of Aarhus. Post-doc stay University of Michigan 1995-1996, visiting scientist University of Adelaide 2000, visiting professor University of British Columbia 2007, visiting professor University of Sydney 2009. In 2001 promoted to full professor and chairman of Department of Clinical Oral Physiology. Clinical consultant at Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital in 2002-2014 and consultant at Danish Headache Center, University of Copenhagen in 2005-2014. Appointed honorary adjunct professor at Aalborg University in 2005-2010. Adjunct professor at Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience 2009-2013. Appointed visiting professor and honorary director of Sino-Denmark Orofacial Pain and TMD Research Center at Nanjing Medical University 2011-2019. Knighted by the Danish Queen (Ridder af Dannebrog) 2011. Honorary doctor (Odont. Dr. h.c.) Malmø University 2013. Appointed guest professor Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet (2014-2019). Guest professor National University of Singapore (2016).

          The research has focused on peripheral and central orofacial pain mechanisms, neuroplasticity, trigeminal motor physiology, brain imaging and temporomandibular disorders promoting the field of neuro-odontology in a physiological perspective. A total of 453 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals, 58 book chapters and published proceedings, 15 papers in national journals, and 18 editorials. H-index = 59 (Scopus – total citations > 16000; 26 papers cited > 100 times). Overall presented more than 300 lectures, talks and courses on orofacial pain mechanisms, brain imaging and TMD problems around the world.

          Inventor of PalPeter – a simple mechanical device for palpation of muscles (Patent USPTO #61/293,299). Chairman of Academic Advisory Board for Sunstar Suisse.

          Awarded the Codan Young Investigator Research Prize in 1995, the Strathmann Research Award in 1998, the Zendium-Hoogendoorn Award in 2000, Bagger-Soerensen Grant 2004, Ingeborg and Leo Dannin Award 2012 and the prestigious Bagger-Soerensen Senior Research Prize 2014. The IADR Neuroscience Senior Investigator Research Award 2015.

Editorial board member and reviewer for several international dental and neuroscience journals including Pain and Journal of Orofacial Pain. Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Oral Rehabilitation (2004-present). As editor-in-chief of Journal of Oral Rehabilitation organized JOR Summer Schools and Colloquiums in Bevagna 2005, 2006, Capri 2008, Sienna 2009, Xi’An 2011, Beijing, 2013, Chengdu 2014, Sao Paulo 2015, Beijing 2017, Nanjing 2017. Co-editor of textbook on Clinical Oral Physiology, Quintessence 2004. Guest editor Cephalalgia on special issue on Facial Pain (2017)

          Supervised 35 completed Ph.D.-projects (15 as main-supervisor). Main-supervisor of 1 ongoing Ph.D.-project and co-supervisor of 4 other ongoing Ph.D.-projects and has an extensive network of national (Danish Pain Research Center, Aarhus University Hospital; Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University; Danish Headache Center) and international collaborations (China, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Brazil, Chile).

Co-founder and steering committee member of Scandinavian Center for Orofacial Neurosciences (SCON) (2014). SCON is a brickless center with strong research collaborations between Aarhus University, Karolinska Institutet and Malmø University. For more info see:

President of Special Interest Group on Orofacial Pain, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) (2008-2010), President of International Consortium of Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD), International Association for Dental Research (IADR) (2010-2012). Member of IASP classification task force (2014-2018) and Scientific Program Committee (2017-2018).

          Served as expert reviewer for Norwegian Research Council, Finish Research Council and Velux Foundation, Switzerland. Member of evaluation committees for various ph.d.-thesis, associate professor and professor positions nationally (Aarhus, Aalborg, Copenhagen) and internationally (UK, USA, Finland).